We live in a society.

We live in a centralized national government, constitutional state, member of intragovernmental and supranational organizations, professionally militaristic, monarchist, totalitarian socially post-fascist democratic, parliament representative electoral presidential partitocracy with regulated periodical mandated transitions of power, capitalistic, semi-federal, theocracy cultural and legal legacy with secular nomocracy administration, hidden social nepocracy and kleptocracy, partially hidden technocracy, synarchist, stratocracy plutocracy, sedentary multi-level digital bureaucracy with a central capital, hybrid intensive production and import of food, primarily urban with rural regions, low in natural resources, non-salve but salary based subsistence, symbolic luxury based social strata, free press guided by economic interest and vage anti-conflict "free speech" laws, with division of power through executive legalistic and legislative structures, diffused centralized monopoly of violence by an specialized martial force but redefined and modified through common acceptance and social conflict, guilt based, non enforced nuclear family structure in transition to liberal marked by unwritten relationalship monogamy equal model of free choice and reciprocal romantic interest, with kinship bilateral descent, traditionalist, individualistically liberal, morally christian, shame based enforcement of group norms, explicit human rights enforced and defined through supranational and national law but with direct social life based on an invisible game-defined social contract that primes positive reciprocity feedback loops, neo-latin indo-european descent, hybrid law, with a social market economy with welfare and decentralized characteristics, cargo culture, death cult, highly specialized interconnected interdependent professionalism, non-selfsustained economy, soft positive mercantilism through subvention but part of global free international market, free circulation inside continental borders, mandatory pooling of financial risk through assurance private companies, born defined nationality with automatic citizenship and binding to common law applied to the state-owned territory, non-segregated but not homogeneous, socially stratified through wealth and socioeconomic value, almost post scarcity, performatively only environmentalist, european, partial private ownership partial public but administered through public-private surrogate entities that make the whole thing confusing as hell, land owned as an unofficial permanent lease for usage to the state, police enforced civil order, urban planned, under digital taxation system, limited liability for enterprise with legal digital persona attached, nation-state adopters, systematic with precedence judicial system, religiously free, culturally diverse and open but limited through the enforcement of idiosyncratic status quo, non ethnic based but ethnic based, not militaristic but under the threat of militaristic revolt, hyperreal, nihilisticaly hyperconsumerist, industrial narrative existential, relationship oriented, direct intense expression, low-level criminalist towards the state designed as virtue, service economy semi post industrialist, fiat currency determined by supranational bank organization, corporatist, public disappearing healthcare system, centrally decentralized, obligatory primary and secondary education, alphabetized, sponsored academic merit, Mediterranean diet and climate, gender legal equal towards egalitarianism of function, patriarchal matriarchal state function, protest prone and permitted but subversive allergen, digital surrogate client member of NATO, domesticated, pet loving animal hell creating, non-atomic, fossil and gas powered, former colonial empire, formally geopolitical and culturally relevant, forged on template and season varied weather, death tabooist, sexually repressive in all but advertising, immigration prone but controlled, humanitarian when convenient, not very technologically or philosophically inventive, sports heroic, personality cult of irrelevant figures, spiritually confused, coastal exploitative, semi or formerly agrarian, alcoholic party prone, ancestral visigothic arab roman ibero franco greek borbonic papal fucking weird ass specific as hell society.

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