Corrupt Electronic Data

Somewhere, sometime, there will be a world where the most common cause of living's death will be corrupted electronic data.

In one of those, what we know as animals today started as designs inspirated or mutated from the pre-kanto war world we used us humans to live into, and evolved, over time, in alive neil gaiman-esque representations of the whole world wide of concepts reality is surrounded by. Including material forms and lives, including abstracts concepts, history and delusion. It happened because of a lack of design ideas, or as a memory, or memorial or result or forgetfulness of the world wasted on war; it really doesn't matter anymore.

The world is a fucked up place for and by itself, but at the remains of the lost technology age we destroyed each other into, we prevail, in peace, and with the past gifts of electronic devices we can control living things and have enough resources to live. In this small closed little circuit of scarcity societies full of scared cities and caves, the one our fathers stabilised from the outside, full of unstable and dangerous non decaying radiation, but still alive. The maintainment of the machines keeping us feed and alive is made into house-shaped structures at closed doors or not doors at all behind. We work to maintain the system although we don't understand the technology that created it, and probably won't do it ever again, nor make efforts to do so, because we don't have the necessity to  and because all hope to live without it is lost if we fail the task at opening the pandora ventilator humanity is forever linked to.

The only challenge left in this world is to live the adventure of a fictional story, a race to be the master trainer and catch them all, before playing a role as npcs when the turn of the next born kid is around just to have something to do. And remain, sometimes silent, sometimes no propose walking, or just staring gently at peave at the sea under lavander town, as the new boy just passes without stopping and we just remember that time in our childhood when, like him now, we felt free.


Benvinguts a Random Local Guys.

Com sempre, busquem gent interessant que tingui ganes de fer coses. Escriure, música, fotografia, videojocs... bàsicament qualsevol disciplina artística o intel·lectual, amb intenció no només de crear contingut, si no també de formar una comunitat al seu voltant on en sigui el principal protagonista.

Localitzats habitualment voltant la Costa Brava, Barcelona i Sant Feliu de Guíxols, potser ens coneixes per les festes que solíem fer, o a través d'algun dels nostres membres històrics; però siguis de on siguis, tinguis molt clar el que vols fer o encara no, si t'interessa algun dels nostres projectes o en vols formar part, contacta'ns lliurement a través del destí i segueix-nos a facebook o instagram.

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